
ATA编年史 offers current and relevant articles for business strategies.

指导: Get As Much As You Give

By ATA编年史 | 2023年2月12日

The following was originally published on Next Level: The ATA Business Practices Blog. This initiative by ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee provides information for both freelancers and company owners to use in all aspects of their careers, from improving their…

Freelance Translator’s Client Reference List

Freelance Translator’s Client Reference List

By ATA编年史 | 2022年12月12日

The client reference list of a freelance translator is very important when it comes to potential clients (direct/companies) or a job application for a new translation agency. It allows you to provide additional proof of your experience and assure a…

Protect Your Career by Protecting Your Eyes

Protect Your Career by Protecting Your Eyes

By ATA编年史 | 2022年12月11日

Paying attention to what you’re looking at will improve your life, both personally and professionally. The following was originally published on Next Level: The ATA Business Practices Blog. This initiative by ATA’s Business Practices Education Committee provides information for both…


Ready to take your business to the Next Level?

If you're an established translator or interpreter, we are here to help you achieve your business goals.


ATA's Webinar Series provides affordable and effective online education for business strategies.

Wrapping Up an Interpreting Project

Join this webinar to learn why you should take some post-job steps. After you’re done with an interpreting job do you just invoice the…


Essential Steps for Starting and Staying in the Translation Business

Discover the most useful tips and tricks to help you get through your first year as a freelance translator and beyond. 作为一个翻译…


Professional Partnerships for 翻译s

Discover how forging professional partnerships can advance your business. 翻译s are communicators. However, we could find ourselves limiting our communication to our clients and…


Want to reach more direct clients?

ATA's 客户永利登录网址资料册 helps you connect with potential clients and position yourself as a "go-to" resource for language services.

下载US CalPro

Do you know your operating costs, average hourly rate, or target income? US CalPro is a free spreadsheet that can put it all together for you.



How much should you charge for your work? Calculate your potential earnings to find out.


Contracts and Agreements

ATA provides guidance for standard terms, conditions, and clauses. Adaptable samples are available for download.


Business Practices Community

Find real solutions to real issues facing freelancers and company owners.


Join the ATA community

The demand for translators and interpreters continues to grow. Become part of a community that supports your goals as a language professional.